Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Hi guys! So a nail polish company called Modish Polish was nice enough to send me a couple of their nail polishes to swatch and review for you all! This is my first ever swatch/review opportunity so I am super excited to tell you all about these beautiful polishes and my experience with them, and I am so grateful that they let little old me swatch for them even though I'm not exactly "insta-famous" in the slightest. So Modish Polish was founded in Los Angeles, California, and their nail polish is 5-free, vegan friendly, cruelty free (!!!!) and gluten free. How awesome is that?! Not only is this nail polish GORGEOUS, it's also healthy to use since it contains waaaay less harsh chemicals compared to more popular brands like Essie or OPI. If you don't know what 5-free is, that means Modish polishes don't include: formaldehyde, toluene, DBP, formaldehyde resin or camphor. I love love love that. The less chemicals I have to deal with, the happier I am, hahaha. I love their selection of polishes, honestly I wish I could own them all. I also have to bring up, a portion of the proceeds for one of their nail polishes named "Inspired By Pink" is donated to breast cancer research. This really hits home for me being a cancer patient because it really makes me so happy to see nail polish companies helping out and doing what they can for cancer research. I love it! They also have a teal polish coming out very soon and some of the proceeds for that will be funding ovarian cancer. Can you believe how incredible these people are?!